Saturday, September 28, 2013

Post 31

from: bones, impurities such as cow-dung and droppings of goats, coal, coarse limestone, glass, baked bricks, edibles, paper, etc. It is also sinful to make istinja with the right hand. But if someone does this, the body will be cleaned.
9. It is prohibited to stand and urinate.
10. It is prohibited to face or turn one's back towards the qiblah when passing stool or urinating.
11. It is also prohibited and makruh to make small children to face the qiblah and pass stool or urinate.
12. It is permissible to use the left-over water of istinja for wudhu. It is also permissible to use the left over water of wudhu for istinja, but not to do so is better.
13. When entering the toilet, Bismillah should be read outside, and then the following dua should be read:
"Allahumma inni a'udhu bika minal khubusi wal khabaa'is."
[Translation: "O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the impure male and female jinn."]
One should not enter the toilet bare-headed. If one is wearing any ring, etc. on which is the name of Allah or His Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it should be removed. One should enter with the left foot. Allah's name should not be taken inside. If one sneezes, then Alhamdulillah should be recited in the heart only and nothing should be said with the tongue. Nor should one talk or say anything in the toilet. When leaving the toilet, one should step out with the right foot first. After leaving the toilet, the following dua should be read:
"Ghufraanaka, alhamdulillahil lazi az'haba anni al-adha wa aafaani."
[Translation: "I seek Your forgiveness, O Allah! Praise be to Allah who has removed from me this discomfort and granted me tranquility."]
After making istinja, the left hand should rubbed on the ground or washed with sand (or soap)

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