23. If a wound has been bandaged and it will be harmful to open the bandage and make masah over the wound, or it will be difficult and painful to open the bandage, then in both cases it will be permissible to make masah on the bandage. But if this is not the case, the bandage will have to be removed and masah will have to be made on the wound.
24. If the wound is not under the entire bandage, then after opening the bandage, that portion which is not wounded should be washed if possible. However, if it is not possible to open the bandage, masah should be made on both the portions- the wounded and the unwounded portions.
25. In case of a fracture where splints and pads are applied, the above directions will apply. That is, as long as the splints cannot be opened, it will be sufficient to make masah over it. The same rule will apply to plasters - that is, if masah cannot be made on the wound, the plaster should be removed and masah should be made on the gauze. But if there is no one to help in opening and closing the plaster, then it will be sufficient to make masah on the plaster itself.
26. In the case of bandages, splints, plasters, etc. it is preferable to make masah on the entire covering. If this is not possible, then it will be permissible to make masah on more than half of the covering. However, it is not permissible to suffice with masah on half or less of the covering.
27. If after performing masah, the bandage, plaster, etc., opens up and one sees that the wound has not healed as yet, then it should be re-tied and the previous masah will suffice. However, if the wound has healed and there is no need to bandage it again, then the masah will be broken. That portion should be washed and salât performed. There is no need to repeat the entire wudhu.
28. Khilâl [passing of wet fingers] of the beard should be made three times after having washed the face. Khilâl should not be made more than three times.
29. It is fardh to wash the chin as long as there is no hair of the beard on it, or if there is, it is so little that the skin can be seen.
30. It is fardh to wash that part of the lips which can be seen after the lips are closed.
31. If the hair of the beard, moustache and eyebrows is so thick that the skin cannot be seen, then it is not fardh to wash that skin which is hidden. That hair is actually in place of the skin. To pour water over it is sufficient.
32. If the hair of the eyebrows, beard, or moustache is so thick that the skin cannot be seen, then in such a case it is wajib to wash that hair which falls within the boundaries of the face. It is not wajib to wash the hair that is beyond the boundaries of the face.
33. If a person's piles come out, his wudhu will break irrespective of whether it went back inside on its own, or by pushing it back with a stick, a cloth, or his hand.
34. If semen comes out without any desire, wudhu will break. For example, a person carried a very heavy weight, or jumped from an elevated place and due to this shock semen came out without any desire.
35. If there is some defect in one's senses, but this defect does not reach the stage of insanity or unconsciousness, his wudhu will not break.
36. If a person sleeps away and laughs (in his sleep) while in salât, his wudhu will not break.
37. By laughing in a janaza salât or in a sajdah tilâwat wudhu will not break irrespective of whether the person is mature or immature.
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