Fardh (compulsory) acts of wudhu
There are four fardh acts in wudhu:-
1. To wash the entire face once.
2. To wash both hands up to and including the elbows once.
3. To make masah of one-quarter of the head once.
4. To wash both feet up to and including the ankles once.
These are the fardh acts of wudhu. Even if one of these acts is left out, or even if a place equal to a hair's breadth is left dry, wudhu will not be complete.
Sunnah acts of wudhu
1. To say Bismillahir Rahmânir Raheem.
2. To wash both hands up to the wrists.
3. To rinse the mouth.
4. To wash the nose.
5. To use miswâk.
6. To make masah of the entire head.
7. To wash each part three times.
8. To make masah of the ears.
9. To make khilâl of the fingers and toes.
Apart from this, the balance of the acts are mustahab.
1. Once the four fardh acts of wudhu are carried out, wudhu will be regarded as complete, irrespective of whether one intended to make wudhu or not, eg.: (a) at the time of bathing, one pours water on the entire body, or (b) falls into a well, or river , or (c) stands in the rain. In all these conditions, if the limbs of wudhu get wet, wudhu will be regarded as complete. However, one will not obtain the reward (thawâb) of wudhu.
2. Sunnah is to make wudhu exactly as has been mentioned above. But if anyone alters or reverses the procedure of wudhu, eg. by washing the feet first, then making masah, and then washing the hands, and thereafter washing the face, or alters the procedure in any other way - then wudhu will still be regarded as complete. However, it will not be considered to be in accordance with the sunnah, and there is always the fear of having sinned.
3. Similarly, if the left hand or the left foot is washed first, wudhu will be completed, but it will be contrary to being mustahab.
4. After washing one part, one should not delay in washing the next part to such an extent that the first part gets dry. Instead, he should wash the next part as quickly as possible. If, after washing the second part, the first part gets dry, then wudhu will be regarded as complete, but it will be contrary to the sunnah.
5. It is also sunnah to pass the hand on the part that is being washed so that no place is left dry.
6. It is better and mustahab to prepare for wudhu and salât well before the time.
7. As long as there is no genuine excuse, one should perform wudhu with one's very own hands and should not seek assistance from someone else.
8. While making wudhu, worldly talk should be avoided. Instead, Bismillah and the kalimah should be read on washing each and every part.
9. No matter how freely water may be available, it should not be wasted. Even if one is at the sea-shore, one should not use more than necessary. At the same time, one should not use so little water that one has problems in washing the parts thoroughly.
10. The parts should not be washed more than three times.
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