Thursday, September 26, 2013

Beliefs concerning angels and jinn

After creating certain creatures from light, Allâh Ta'âla concealed them from our sight. These creatures are called angels. A lot of work has been given to them. They never do anything contrary to the orders of Allâh Ta'âla. They continue doing whatever work they have been assigned to do. Among them, four angels are very famous. They are: Hadrat Jibra'eel alayhis salâm, Hadrat Mika'eel alayhis salâm, Hadrat Israfeel alayhis salâm, and Hadrat Izra'eel alayhis salâm.

Allâh Ta'âla created certain creatures from fire. We cannot see them as well. They are called jinn. There are all types of jinn; both good and bad. They also have children. The most famous among them is the accursed Iblis, i.e. Shaytân.
Beliefs concerning the auliya (friends of Allâh)

1. When a Muslim engages in an abundance of ibâdah, abstains from sins, does not become attached to the world, and follows the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in every way, he becomes the friend and beloved of Allâh Ta'âla. Such a person is called a wali. At times, a wali does certain acts which cannot be done by others. These acts are called karamât (miracles, or noble and excellent deeds).

2. No matter how high a stage a wali may reach, he will never be equal to a prophet.

3. No matter how beloved to Allâh a wali may become, as long as he is in his senses, it will be incumbent upon him to follow the Shariah. Salât, fasting, and any other act of worship is not forgiven. Acts which are sinful do not become permissible for him.
4. The person who acts contrary to the Shariah cannot be a friend of Allâh. If he does some miraculous act, then it is either magic or something enacted through the influence of the soul or satan. These things should not be believed in.
5. At times, a wali comes to know of certain mysterious things either in his sleep or while awake. This is known as kashf or ilhâm (manifestations or inspirations). If these things are in conformity with the Shariah, they are acceptable, if not, they have to be rejected.
6. Allâh and His Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have shown all the matters pertaining to the Deen in the Quran and Hadith. To bring some new thing into the Deen is not permitted. Such new things are known as bid'ât (innovations). An innovation is a major sin.
Beliefs concerning heavenly books 

Allâh Ta'âla has sent down many small and large books through the angel Jibra'eel alayhis salâm to the prophets so that they may teach the matters of Deen to their respective communities. Among these books, four are very famous: the Torah which was sent to Musa alayhis salâm, the Zabur which was sent to Daud alayhis salâm, the Injil which was sent to Isa alayhis salâm, and the Quran which was sent to our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Quran is the last of the books. Now, no new book will be sent from the heavens. The instructions of the Quran will remain valid right until the day of qiyâmah. Misguided people changed a lot of things in the other books. But Allâh Ta'âla has promised the protection of the Quran. No one can change it in any way.

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