is contrary to the Deen and also amounts to disrespect. Anyhow, what I am trying to say is that in this short period my status increased to such an extent that governors began visiting me. And without realizing it, I could not meet them and clearly refused them." Really, this is the barakah of Deen. Fear of anyone except Allah does not remain in the heart. Whoever fears Allah alone, everything else fears him. Such people do not become disgraced out of greed nor do they become dependent on anyone. Read these themes with full concentration. Both these stories, i.e. the story of Hadrat Sulayman alayhis salaam and Hadrat Saalim, have both been extracted from the book Ihyaa ul-Uloom and its commentary.
19. It is mentioned in a Hadith that one should seek knowledge on Mondays. In doing so, there is ease in acquiring knowledge. (Kanzul Ummaal) A similar narration has come in regard to Thursdays. What this means is that it is better to commence a book on a Monday or Thursday. Similarly, it is better to commence any other intellectual pursuit on these days.
20. It is related in a Hadith that: "Whoever teaches someone even one verse of the Quran, then that teacher becomes a master over that student." (Tabrani) That is, the teacher has become a master, and the student, his slave. What this means is that the teacher has many rights. As far as possible, the teacher and spiritual guide should be obeyed and their pleasure sought. They are the ones who remove one from darkness into light, and lead one to the original beloved, that is Allah Ta'ala. Can there be any kindness better than this? To be a slave does not mean that the teacher can sell the student. What it means is that he has to expound the truth in the best way possible. One should understand well that the rights of the teacher and spiritual guide are less than that of the parents.
21. It is related in a Hadith that if an aalim is asked a mas'ala, and he conceals it without any Shar'ee reason, then he will be made to wear a necklace of fire on the day of Resurrection. (Mishkaat) Here it refers to knowledge whose exposition is necessary. To be miserly with knowledge without any Shar'ee reason, irrespective of whether its exposition is fardh or mustahab, is extremely disgraceful.
The Education of Women
After knowing the Hadith, "Seeking of knowledge is compulsory on every Muslim male and female", and other texts which make the acquisition of knowledge compulsory on both males and females, there remains no need to write a special article on this subject. Moreso because this subject was touched on in the journal "al-Qasim" volumes one and two. But because of a few incidents and peculiarities (which are connected more to the condition of Indian women) and which are witnessed quite often, it is necessary to write a special and detailed article on this subject, and is therefore being repeated.
It should be known in this introduction that as far as has been pursued, there are people who think in three different ways: (1) there are those who do not oppose nor support the education of women. At the same time they do not place any importance on it, (2) those who are completely opposed to it, and (3) those who support it totally. All three groups have different shortcomings. The fault of the first group, which is the greatest and severest fault, is that it does not regard any need whatsoever to educate women. This total disregard is both in their men and women. The proof of these people which has actually put them into confusion is the question whether women have to seek employment, because of which arrangements have to be made for their education? From this we can deduce that these people have not understood the object of education, they have not pondered over those verses and Ahaadith which have made the acquisition of knowledge compulsory on both male and female,
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