Thursday, September 26, 2013

Page 9

Nakeer. They come and ask him: "Who is your creator? What is your Deen?" and pointing to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, "Who is this person?" If the deceased was a strong believer, he will answer all the questions correctly. Thereafter there will be all sorts of comforts for him. They will open a window towards jannah from which a cool and fragrant breeze will continue blowing and he will continue sleeping peacefully. As for the one who was not a believer, to all the questions he will reply that he does not know anything. Thereafter, he will be subjected to great hardships and punishment right until the day of qiyâmah. Allâh Ta'âla exempts some people from this test, but all these things are known to the deceased only. We cannot see these things, just as a sleeping person sees everything in his dream, while a person sitting next to him remains totally unaware.
10. After death, the deceased is shown his abode every morning and evening. A jannati [dweller of paradise] is given glad tidings by being shown his abode in paradise, while a jahannami (dweller of hell) is shown his abode in hell and thereby made more despondent and wretched.
11. By making dua for the deceased and giving in charity on his behalf, rewards reach him and is very beneficial to him.
12. All the signs of qiyâmah as foretold by Allâh and His Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will definitely occur. Imam Mahdi will appear and will rule with absolute justice. The one-eyed Dajjal will appear and cause a lot of corruption in the world. Hadrat Isa alayhis salâm will come down from the heavens in order to kill him and will succeed in killing him. Yajuj and Majuj is a very powerful nation. They will spread throughout the earth and create a lot of disturbance. Then through the power of Allâh they will be destroyed. A strange animal will come out from the ground and converse with people. The sun will rise from the west. The Quran will be raised and within a few days all the Muslims will die and the world will be filled with kuffar. Apart from this, many other incidents will take place.
13. When all the foretold signs are fulfilled, preparations for Qiyamat will commence. Under instruction from Allâh Ta'âla, Hadrat Israfeel alayhis salâm will blow the trumpet. This trumpet will be in the shape of a very large horn. On the blowing of the trumpet, the earth and skies will be blown into smithereens. All the creatures will die, and those that have already died, their souls will become unconscious. But those whom Allâh wishes to protect, will remain as they are. A specific period will pass in this condition.
14. When Allâh wishes the entire universe to arise again, the trumpet will be blown a second time. By the blowing of the trumpet, the entire universe will be re-born. All the dead will be brought to life and they will all gather in the field of resurrection. In apprehension of all the difficulties of qiyâmah, they will all go to the prophets for intercession. Eventually, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will intercede. The scales will be raised and all good and bad deeds will be weighed and accounted for. A few people will enter paradise without reckoning. The pious people will be given their book of deeds in their right hands while the sinners will be given in their left hands. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will make his followers drink water from the Haud-e-Kauthar (the fountain of abundance). The water of this fountain will be whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. Everyone will also have to cross the Sirat. Those who were pious, will cross it and enter paradise. Those who were sinners, will fall down into hell.
15. Hell has already been created. It has snakes, scorpions and many other types of punishments. Among the dwellers of hell, those that have even an iota of Imân will be taken out of hell and admitted into paradise after having been punished for their evil deeds, and after the intercession of the prophets and pious servants of Allâh. This is irrespective of how great sinners they may have been. As for the disbelievers and polytheists (mushrikeen) they will

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