Friday, September 27, 2013

Page 16

(Part One)

After praising Allah Ta'ala and sending salutations to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is conveyed to the Muslims that there is no need to mention the general and specific acceptance and benefit derived from the book "Bahishti Zewar". However, it has very few themes with which a yearning for jannah and a fear and dislike for jahannam can be created. Most aspects of the book are connected to masa'il (rules and relugations). It was therefore the opinion of my spiritual guide, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, that a supplement be added at the end of every part of the book. The supplement should contain themes on targheeb (yearning for jannah) and tarheeb (fear and dislike for jahannam), and also other important matters. Wherever any text of the original book is difficult to understand, it should also be explained in the supplement. Apart from this, other themes should be written in separate supplements. In response to his request, a supplement was included in every part of Bahishti Zewar in the year 1333 A.H. This was first published in 1335 A.H.. Since then it has been printed several times with the original book and also separately. Notes in this regard have been given in the footnotes. A request is made to the readers that they make dua that through His virtue, Allah Ta'ala makes this a means of benefit in both the worlds. It should be noted that themes in regard to targheeb and tarheeb and other necessary mas'alas will be included within the supplement. And additional explanations of the original text will be separate from the supplement. Instead, they will be given as footnotes. Just as we have tried to use simple language in the original book, so too will the case be in the supplement. The themes and subject matter will be taken from reliable sources and the supplement of each source will be separate. A request is made for duas from the readers.
The Importance of Knowledge

Allah Ta'ala says: "Allah raises in rank those who believe among you and those who have been given knowledge." That is, Allah Ta'ala elevates the rank of those who have brought Iman among you. That is, they have completed their Iman by doing good deeds and following the Shariah. It should be noted that wherever the Quran and the Hadith mention any virtue of bringing Iman, they refer to complete Iman. He also elevates the rank of those who have been given knowledge over those who have not been given knowledge. Here, the lofty status of the knowledgeable has been established from the Holy Quran. First He praised those who have brought faith. Thereafter, He specifically mentions the people of knowledge and says that they have very high ranks. And when Allah Ta'ala says that a particular person is of a high rank, how great that person must be! In another place Allah Ta'ala says: "Say, (O Muhammad!), are those who know equal to those who know not?" Here the question is used for negation. That is, those who have attained knowledge are much higher than those who have not.
A hadeeth Related to the Acquisition of Knowledge

1.There is a Sahih Hadith which has been narrated in the Jaami as-Sahih: "Seeking knowledge is compulsory (fardh) on every Muslim." (irrespective of whether he is a male or a female). We know that to leave out a compulsory act is a major sin. It should be also known that it is compulsory to learn the method of doing an act which in itself is compulsory. And it is mustahab to learn the method of doing something that is mustahab. So if salaat is fardh, then to learn the mas'alas in regard to it are also fardh. The same applies to fasting and other acts of Ibadah. If a person is employed somewhere or starts a business, etc., it becomes incumbent upon him to

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